Tuesday 26 February 2008

Flim Industry

I looked through these websites

1. Production - how has digital technolgy changed the way films are shot?
With the introduction of digital projection systems, a movie can be released and delivered on a hard drive. A perfect copy of a master film print. A once clipped into place movie is simply uploaded to a server and is a one button-push away from being digitally projected.

Statistics show increases in digital cinema releases but will it take off...?
click here for bbc article on digital film

Is the increase in digital technology inspiring directors to shoot 3D?

It seems that with the increase with digital technology, many advantages have been made apparent by shooting 3D films. Paul Carter, boss of Axis Films, said digital production systems had made it much cheaper to shoot in 3D.
Before now, he said, filming a movie in 3D involved hiring specialist staff and equipment which could add thousands of dollars per day to a shoot.
"With digital there's only a 20-30% cost difference on the whole process and that's making a lot of people shooting 2D consider giving it a go," he said.
"3D is starting to get rid of the image that it's a dark art," he said.

Charlotte Jones a Cinema analyst said the number of cinema screens worldwide capable of showing 3D movies has grown from 98 in 2005 to more than 1,300 at the end of 2007 and is predicted to pass 3,000 by the end of 2008.

it seems the horisons for directors has been widely increased with the introduction of digital technology.

2. Distribution
These days most of the public veiw films on TV or by renting them, and that cinema ratings are falling showing that cinemas arent appealing enough for us to pay our money to view there films.
At the moment films are distributed to the cinemas on huge reals taking alot of hard work and money to get them transported around the country, but recently with the introduction of digital technology films now can be sent on a 100 giga byte hardrive in seconds and be broadcasted at the push of a button.

The BBC held a debate to find the reason that people dont want to go to cinemas:
Here are some of the views of people.

Why is it my fault that the cinema today can't offer me a better viewing experience than sitting at a desk
Why is it my fault that the local theaters all show the same Hollywood blockbuster films instead of offering me the variety I crave?
It's not that hard to entertain me, but you're charging me $15 and subjecting me to 20 minutes of ads while failing to do so.

It seems with the majority of people having home cinema systems and with ridiculous prices that the cinemas just wont last.

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