Monday 28 April 2008

The negative aspects of NMTs

Article from The Media Magazine ‘The perils of New Media Technologies’

Why is consumerism a concept central to this unit?
Consumerism is a concept central to the unit due to the fact that New Media Technologies are driven by consumerism. Although prices for technology generally stays the same the updates of these technology is dramatically increasing meaning a need to buy the latest technology.

How do we often ‘unwittingly give up our privacy’?
Many parts of technology today ahev the ability to remember what we have done, especially on the internet website can remember what you’ve bought and searched so by using these technologies we are unwittingly given up our privacy.

How have NMT’s criminalised audiences?
Today there is ability on the internet whereby anyone can download free music with has been illegally swapped between p2p software, this often breaks copyright law but millions still do it and never think of the consequences.

What health and environmental issues does NMTs pose?
Most users of technologies don’t break the law, but many of us still contribute to environmental problems to some degree. Every year the rapid production of gadgets and discarding of out of date stuff contributes to the 1 million tonnes of electrical waste generated each year.

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